You may be wondering:
Who is Carolyn Krusinski? Shastri Krusinski is precise, passionate, knowledgeable, kind, supportive, interesting to talk to and just plain awesome! See this blurb from when Shastri Krusinski visited our group in the past.
What is a Shastri? A senior teacher who is focused on the Way of Shambhala curriculum. See this article from Shambhala Times for more info: Sakyong creates new teaching and mentoring position in Shambhala
Where is the Kalapa Suite? It's on the left as you enter the center with the double-glass-doors.
What do you mean "anything Shambhala?" Curious about those "levels" we keep talking about? Have a question about your practice? Have you been practicing for some time and would like some direction on your path? Wondering who this "Sakyong" guy is? Would you like a recommendation on a good book to read to support your practice? Never met Shastri Krusinski before? Want to know what all that stuff is on the shrine? What to know how to get more involved in the center?