Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Under 30 Fall Retreat - Registration

Good morning warriors!
Our next retreat to Shelburne Falls will take place the last weekend in October, from the 28th-30th. Please register using this spreadsheet: https://spreadsheets.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Ak_RYbaiOyttdFFydVFBT0VwVVVwMmJRNlVKaGlfNWc&hl=en_US

The cost of the retreat will be $80. Payment will be accepted upon arrival at the retreat center. Please contact me directly if this is more than you are able to afford, because we don't want that to stop you from joining us.

Any further details about the retreat will be sent only to those who put their e-mail address on the above spreadsheet. If you aren't positive you will go, but you want to stay in the loop as plans develop, please just note that on the spreadsheet.


Saturday, August 6, 2011

Under 30 Fall Retreat

We are working on choosing a date for the Under 30 Fall Retreat.  If you are interested in attending, please add your availability information to the doodle!
